Monday, December 10, 2007

Gates, the Innovator

Sorry, Bill Gates, you’re a fartknocker.

He believes everyone copies Microsoft.

This is a mind of an idiot, sure intelligent, but still an idiot. Does Bill really think his company is an innovator? Well, the article rips Mr. Gates a new one.

((Gates declared that what Microsoft does is the baseline for the entire industry, and whatever it doesn't do is the innovation.))

This man ripped off other people’s programs when he ‘created’ windows. Hey, don’t be upset that Apple and Nintendo have ripped you a new one this year. Hey, there’s always Vista…oh wait.

The article mentions these products, and I wouldn’t call these products innovative…

Zune: Piece of crap knock off of an IPod. It failed, but MS won’t admit it.

XBOX: Sure, the Halo Box is a hit, but they wouldn’t be in the gaming industry if it wasn’t for Sony and Nintendo. (Got to love their stoner fan base too)

MSN: Hey, let’s make a complete clone of AOL right down to the instant messaging. While never being a hit, we’ll never mention its failure.

Blue Screen of death: Okay, you did invent something after all. Making people pay for shitty software and then giving them a nice blue screen sounds like a great business plan to me.

Nice glasses there, young Bill.


  1. Gates is a paranoid douche who gets closer and closer to Howard Hughes territory ever year. I have a friend who's a real techie, and she's had so many problems with being able to use IM and Firefox at the same time on Vista that she finally "downgraded" to XP.

  2. How about we throw Steve Jobs and Bill Gates in a pit and watch them fight to the death?

  3. Sam/Frog: You're right, Gates seems to be get worst every year. I think he's starting to believe that his own BS hype.

    That's probably another reason to not buy vista.
    Mc: Lol, I would pay to see that. We'll have to make sure the pit is big enough for their huge egos.
