Saturday, December 29, 2007

Cloverfield spoilers (real or fake?) (part Two)

As I've stated before, there are many theories involving the actual plot of Cloverfield.

Here is a deeper look into some of the Cloverfield trailer clues

Part 1

Part 2

There is more evidence leaning toward the theory that there are smaller monsters involved in the plot. You can check out the other pics here. And here

Also, there are many viral spinoffs from the movie involving the characters. Some characters have video-blogs and others own myspace pages. (There are also company websites too.) Most of the viral story progression is happening in 'real time', meaning the movie's release date will mean many of these blogs and videos won't be updated. (because the freaking city will be destroyed)

Jamie (from the movie) has her video blogs and there seems to be some connections to the smaller monster subplot. Yeah, Jamie is annoying but what else was on that tape recorder?

Make sure to watch the last few seconds of this video. Someone behind the sheet seems to be expanding and screaming, very creepy.

Man, I hope this movie is good. However, figuring out the various clues is certainly fun!

Just what are they trying to keep out?

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