Thursday, November 01, 2007

Transformers the Score (review) part 2 of 2

Anyway, here are the tracks that stand out on the CD.

Scorponok: This is the same track that is used in the movie in the Qatar village attack. I always loved this track. It has a cool action theme that is used later in the movie, (When the military meets up with the Autobots on the road).

The central theme on this track is first heard in the electronic baseline and then carried over to the live strings. You hear this during the part when the Air Force shows up.

Arrival To Earth: This is probably the best track on the CD. We hear this track during the impressive arrival of the Autobots from space. It certainly is one of the best moments in the film. The main Autobot theme is hear in a majestic tone. There is some nice chorus work here too with I believe are children singing the parts early on. Then some adult chorus members take over for the middle portion of the track. (Yes, the track begins with those Batman Begins strings)

This is the reason to get the CD.

Autobots: This one also has the Batman Begins strings, but it is a very good track, giving us the main Autobots theme with some really cool Chorus notes.

Bumblebee: This isn’t a bad track, there are a few Hans Zimmer moments at the beginning that I didn’t care for, but it got better as the track progressed. The Chorus is strong here too.

Decepticons: There are some robotic voices mixed with normal voices as they build up into a few counter chants. It begins with the robots, then male voices and then female voices. I really enjoyed this track.

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