Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Random Thoughts

All hail, Xenu!
The second one is a 'slug'

Random Thoughts

~I watched Mission Impossible 1 on cable the other day. I have to say that I found myself enjoying the movie a little bit more than when I watched it years ago. While it still doesn't feel like the TV show, it has some good things in it. Plus, it is certainly better than part II.

~Poor Michael Rapport: I guess middle America is going to forget about you when you play the same damn role in every movie.

~I've watched a lot of trains during my time on this planet. But, I have never seen a Cabless 'slug' engine ever in real life. What makes this train video strange is the Cabless slug is in front of the manned engine. Go here for more about the slug. I've never seen CSX or Norfolk use these things in Louisville.

~Candle Jack strikes again! (oh, no I said his name)

~Okay, I really find Kim Kardashian really attractive, yet annoying. Man, that booty on her is wonderfully large. Yeah, she did a sex tape, and it was better than Hilton's, but there is more than meets the eye to her. Check it out, yo.

~I will be doing a power-point presentation on Pee Wee Herman. It will be titled: Why we should live our lives like Pee Wee Herman. I not making this up, I am going to do this for a homework assignment .

~Rule Number 4367: Don't play around with Cheetahs.


  1. Best quote from the Michael Rappaport/TMZ comments:

    "There is a big difference between STARS and ACTORS.

    TNZ obviously thinks if someone isn't snorting lines off the naked booty of Kim Car-whatever-the-crap-her-name-is's ass, they aren't worthy."


  2. Lol, They do have a point. I always enjoy reading the comments in there
