Thursday, November 22, 2007

Ghostbusters II Part 1 of 2

That's not legal

Ghostbusters II (Part 1 of 2)

We all know that they’re too cold to hold and too hot to handle, but I not sure how necessary this sequel really was. Nearly five years from the original classic, someone thought it was a good idea to make another movie about the Ghostbusters. I not 100% sure that was good idea myself. Ghostbusters II is little more lighthearted and goofier than the first film. It almost feels like the studio got involved too much and wanted a family film instead of making a good film.

As far as sequels goes, this movie isn’t that bad. While the story isn’t exactly that great, there are some interesting scenes and creepy sights. I really enjoyed seeing the scene of the Ghostbusters walking under New York and getting spooked. The ghost train bit was really funny. I also loved the ghost runner joke.

Yet, there are certain things just on my nerves. Again, the mayor hires another jerk that hates the Ghostbusters for no real reason and comes across too cartoon-like. Then there is the problem with the baby. Why do we spend so much time with this stupid baby? Whenever you spend that much time with a baby, it’s going to get annoying. Plus, this is one of the ugliest babies I’ve ever seen.

Speaking of ugly, Vigo is just a mess. Plus, he isn’t even close to being as menacing as the villain in the first movie. I liked the naked girl with flat-top in the first movie. (“Are you a god?” “Uh, no.”)

Then again, there were a lot of subplots cut out of the movie.

Not a bad set and scene.

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