Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Fun with videos

Fun with videos

Fat dude gets owned by girlfriend's kiss: I like the fact he kisses his lady and then falls down chin first into the desk. His girlfriend doesn't seem to care that he just fell on his butt and is laughing at him.

Stupid guy looses dirt cycle while transporting it: You know you're in trouble when the actual bike mounted to the car is in better condition than the car transporting it. That bike is ruined. I saw something like this happen to a lawnmower, with me nearly crashing into it. Or the time I was nearly killed by a couch on the highway.

Don't drink and ride a bike: Priceless, I love the late reaction from the people around him.

Older woman stuck in a Trench: No one knows why, but it is pretty funny. How did she get in there anyway? Is there a soldier underneath her? Plus, her friends are making fun her as she wiggles around in the trench.

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