Monday, November 05, 2007

Bee a Gangster

Marcus: “On my mark, release hell.”

Denzel: “What?”

Marcus: "Are you not entertained?"

Denzel: "Listen I am going to bust you in the mouth, if you don't start makin sense right now. Believe that."

American Gangster does well in Box Office.

I probably won’t see Bee movie in the theater, but I have to try and get into a showing of American Gangster. My brother said that it was a good movie. It seems the theater going audience was split down the middle. Family crowds and adult crowds seemed to show up to the theater.

I just hope this helps Hollywood rethink its position on R-rated movies, and more adult themed movie (like The Departed). With the multiplexed theaters, there is room for every movie out there…even Freddy Got Fingered II: Fingered Harder (yuck).

Jerry Bee: “So, what are we watching?”

Dumb Bee: “Antz.”

Jerry Bee: “What’s it about?”

Dumb Bee: “The movie is about a CGI bug that breaks away from the social norms of a group centered society and goes out on his own in the real world.”

Jerry Bee: “Now, that sounds familiar. Isn’t there a movie out right now with that same plot and CGI work and same studio?”

Dumb Bee: “Yep.”

(They both look at the screen.)

and Both say: "Oh, shit!"


  1. cant really go wrong with any movie starring denzel. looking forward to this

  2. I should try and see it this weekend, but I might have to do some homework instead.

    Denzel seems to always bring his A game for every role he plays in. Plus, he's being directed by one of my fave directors too.
