Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Battlestar Galactica Razor (review 2 of 2)

BSG: Razor

The story mainly centers on Kendra Shaw. We she her first few moments on the ship, and we get a glimpse into her relationship with Admiral Cain. Through this character we watch as Cain becomes more and more unstable. And, that is when we witness Shaw doing the unthinkable. The character knows she has to live with this blood on her hands, and secretly tries to dull her pain through drug use.

The scene with Shaw and Starbuck where they both discover their forms of self-abuse was priceless. It was certainly a don’t ask and don’t tell moment.

Speaking of a ‘don’t ask’ moment. We also see that Cain has been getting it on with a version of Number Six. She had a private relationship with Cain. This girl certainly gets around. I loved the moment when Shaw discovers that Six/Gina is a Cylon and right away runs up to the bridge to confront her. That was a great scene.

The scene everyone is talking about is the moment when we see the old Cylon robots in all their glory. I can’t express how much this moment meant to me, as a fan of the old series. They got everything right down to the robotic voice and the line, “By your command.” I also enjoyed watching those old robots fight the modern BSG crew. That was a true fanboy moment.

The key point to the story is redemption. If a character does something so horrible, can she redeem herself? After discovering what she did, I really never felt sorry for her. If Shaw knew what she was doing was wrong, she should have stood up to Cain, even if it meant losing her own life. This is magnificently well-written and connected to Admiral William Adama's speech to his son. He states the reason he didn’t end up like Cain was because of his son. That was a great moment. It sums up the story pretty much.

Grade B

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