Friday, October 19, 2007

The Two Coreys: The end is near!

The Two Coreys are no longer friends: Hell is freezing over.

Comment: Besides being total prick, has-been Corey Feldman told the news that Corey Haim and he are no longer on speaking terms. I’m sure Hollywood is really upset with the fact that these to has-been aren’t talking.

((The two Coreys are no longer friends according to Feldman, who spoke about the matter earlier this week to US Weekly.))

But, didn’t you two do a stupid reality show about your friendship? Isn’t that false advertising?

While it appears that Corey Feldman is still attached to the new Lost Boys movie, Haim is not. I’m guessing Haim is back to using drugs again and even Feldman doesn’t want anything to do with him.

At least we won’t have another season of the Two Coreys again.

BTW, because this new Lost Boys II is direct to video, something tells me that it’s going to suck big time.

Lost Boys 2: The Tribe

Whenever you add ‘The Tribe’ to a title, it usually tends to suck.

I still love the first Lost Boys, so don’t screw this up.

(Somehow adding a drunken Kiefer Sutherland to this movie and it will make it ten times better. Having a drunken vampire around will make any movie better.)Lame is me

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