Thursday, October 11, 2007

This has gone too far

Unbelievable, cop is suing the family in which it was her job to help.

A family had a pool and their one year old child fell in. The child is alive, but has brain damage. I couldn’t imagine the pain these parents are going through.

((When his mother hauled him out, he wasn’t breathing. Rescuers were able to bring him back to life, but he suffered severe brain damage and cannot walk, talk or even swallow.))

This child’s life is forever changed, but it gets worst.

((One of the rescuers, Casselberry police Sgt. Andrea Eichhorn, is suing, alleging the family left a puddle of water on the floor that afternoon, causing her to slip and fall.))

That’s right this family hasn’t gone through enough pain and now the very people sworn to protect them are suing them. Correction, Police woman Eichhorn is suing them. Your job is to rush in and try to save people’s lives, no matter the danger. What kind of person sues a family that is going through the pain that they’re feeling now?

The good news is the Police department has placed her on leave.

((Eichhorn broke her knee, something that kept her off the job for two months, according to police Chief John Pavlis.))

She broke her knee, but the child will forever live his life in a nursing home. Boo-woo Eichhorn, you’ll live. Her city insurance covered her injuries.

(("Sgt. Eichhorn is a good officer," Pavlis said Tuesday.))

Just not a good human being…

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