Sunday, October 28, 2007

the Shatner

Shatner is upset over not being in the New Star Trek Film

Uh, sorry, Shatner, I think J.J Abrams does not want to deal with all your shit.

(("I couldn't believe it. I'm not in the movie at all. Leonard, God bless his heart, is in, but not me," Shatner, 76, told The Associated Press on Thursday. "I thought, what a decision to make, since it obviously is a decision not to make use of the popularity I have to ensure the movie has good box office. It didn't seem to be a wise business decision.))

How arrogant of him to think that he was the only box office draw. The story is about Spock and not William Shatner. While Abrams hasn’t convinced me that this reboot is a good idea, I’m still going to give him a chance. Moreover, anytime someone pisses off the Shatner, I’m happy.


  1. fear the Shanter sweets... you will see the error of your ways.

  2. lol, all hail the Shatner and his tribbles!

  3. Shatner Shafted? Wow... I guess he knows how his ST costars felt now.

  4. You’re completely correct. He spent years going behind his co-star’s backs and making sure that their roles never overshadowed his own.

    I guess payback is a bitch. (or Karma)

  5. I still remember that story about how Sulu was supposed to become a Captain in I think Star Trek II and Shatner torpedoed it, much to Takei's chagrin.

  6. Yep, Takei is still upset over that too. The guy who played Scotty was really angry over Shatner taking away his lines. I do think he patched things up with Scotty though.

    Takei does a great impression of Shatner too.
