Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Return of the Living Dead (A follow up or spin off of MC's post

Read MC’s post first, before reading this one: Remembering Return of the Living Dead (1985)
I wanted to make a follow up post on MC post about Return of the Living Dead

MC has great post about this little movie gem. I remember watching this movie with my family, and we had a great time watching it. It was kind of a spoof and part horror movie. Think Night of the Living Dead with jokes.

There seemed to be a sort legal dispute between George A. Romero and John A. Russo. Some people behind the scenes didn’t want to step on Romero’s toes and make a simple rehash. They added the humor, thus making it a spoof of the original Night of the Living Dead movie, and not a direct sequel to the other series.

I like part 2 a little more than this one, but perhaps because it had zombie kids and also for the sheer cult-ness of it.

Side Note: Yes, this movie is set in Louisville, Kentucky. I am not sure why. It looks nothing like the city I live in. I haven't seen any zombies roaming around the city, just crackheads. And, they're more dangerous than zombies anyway.

Anyway, this was a follow up post to MC’s post. So, make sure you check out his post too.

Here's a trailer from that movie: As you can tell the trailer never takes itself seriously either.

Some great moments from the movie: Check them out

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