Friday, October 26, 2007

Maxim released its top five Un-sexiest women

Sandra Oh: “Hey, I’m not that bad.”

Maxim released its top five Un-sexiest women

And I have to agree with some of their choices.

5. Britney Spears: give her some more fast food. Actually she’s not that fat, but her actual looks have certainly gone away. She’s lost that cuteness she had in that hit me one more time video.

4. Madonna: Let it be known that I have never found Madonna attractive. Her early music was pretty tight, but I just hate all the New Age Euro-Techno mess she’s trying to shovel out now. She’s too skeletal for me.

3. Sandra Oh: Okay, this one is a little mean. I think she has a nice tight body on her, (watch Dancing at the Blue Iguana.) Sure her face is a little long, but she has unique features. I would have certainly dated her character in Sideways.

2. Amy Winehouse: I don’t really know who this person is. She’s like the funky girl at the party that’s shit-faced drunk and coming on to every dude there. Yet, no one takes her home because she’s so messy. (I’d rather take home the fat chick, Amy Winehouse.) (Nice teeth you have there, Amy)

1. Sarah Jessica Parker: Agreed, eww.

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