Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Hitman will no longer kill, but hand out flowers in the PG-13 cut

Another R-rated movie may get the PG-13 cut. This time Hitman?

The news is not looking good. We could very well see the end of the R-rated movies altogether. What makes this stupid is that Hitman is based on the violent videogame of the same name, which is far from ever being PG-13. It says it in the title. Fox shouldn’t have made the movie, if they didn’t have faith in the content or the director.

Halo fans; be happy your movie isn’t getting made, because Hollywood will screw it up.


  1. Wow... now I know it is going to supersuck.

  2. There is a slim chance that the blogsphere can make enough noise and make the studio change its mind, but then again most already think this movie is going to suck

  3. The opinion I've been hearing is the original cut is going to be the DVD selling point.

  4. Halo fanboys everywhere just read your line and went, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!

    I hope they stop meddling like this, it always looks half done when they make something and then take the knife to it, Hitman should be excessively adult because that's both the nature and setting of the movie, you can't have an assassin in a pg13 unless he's Jean Reno

  5. MC: I hope it turns out so, I might just skip the theater cut altogether and rent the DVD version later.

    Blayde: You make a very good point that the original poster in the link made. They're making the changes after the movie has been completed and it just seems wrong.

    Plus, I hate the fact they're throwing the director out for post-production, which is always a bad sign.
