Saturday, October 13, 2007

7 things about me

7 things about me

I usually don’t do these, but since I like the SamuraiFrog, I’ll go ahead and do it.

1. I like spending most of my free time alone: I like to spend most of my time by myself. Most people tend to think I’m an elitist because of my standoffish behavior.

2. I’m a part time rail-fan: This means I enjoy watching trains and I use to collect model trains when I was younger. Luckily, I now spend a lot of time watching CSX and Norfolk trains pass through the Louisville campus. CSX has a main line coming straight out of their big train yard, which then goes into Ohio. Sitting in the Student Activity Center and studying, I can see around 10 trains at a given time.

3. I have space issues: I generally am uncomfortable with people standing near me, when I don’t know much about them. Strangely enough, I don’t have this problem with strippers.

4. I’m an independent voter: While I generally have strong liberal views in some areas, such as gay marriage and keeping prayer out of school. Government wise, I am more conservative. I believe in smaller government and keeping the government out of our homes and telling us what to do. I hate when Liberals say that people aren’t smart enough to look out for themselves (yes, a liberal professor told me this when I called her out on censorship in movies). That’s when we show people that thinking and doing for themselves is more rewarding than getting handouts. What’s wrong with the Republican Party is they don’t believe teaching people to fend for themselves, and only care about the rich.

5. I’ve been in one really bad car wreck and I came away without a scratch: I have to tell this story sometime, because it’s a great one.

6. I am obsessive about having really white teeth and it is one of the first things I notice with people up close, their teeth: I brush my teeth constantly. Heck, I have a tube of toothpaste and brush sitting next to my computer.

7. I have no desire to get married or have kids: I’m not saying it won’t happen, but I not going to force it either.

If anyone wants to make his or her own, have it.


  1. Dude, you sound like a Libertarian to me.

  2. You know I never thought about it that way, but you're right. I just might be

  3. What is it about trains that's so compelling? I like to sit and watch them, too, and I love riding them. I used to live in an apartment that was, quite literally, a stone's throw from the tracks. When I moved out, I missed the sound and rattle of the train. Where I live now, there are tracks nearby, and I just find it oddly comforting.

  4. I would have loved to have a place near rail road tracks. I live about 5 miles away from the main line.

    Yeah, there's something about the sound and rumble that just makes them cool. Plus, it's always a treat when some unusual trains come by on the tracks.

  5. i am also fascinated by trains, and i've always wanted to make a good quality model train set, granted it's hard to do living in a basement. personally i think the world was a happier place with trains than with cars, and the air was cleaner too.

    as far as your independent voter, i'm going to have to agree with mc. you seem to swing on the libertarian side. but who can you vote for, since there is never a strong libertarian candidate, which is sad because with how the republicrat party is doing (or not doing to be more accurate), this would be the perfect time for them to take action. those are my two cents!


  6. Paul: Someday, I'm going to spend money on a good train set. I used to have a good one when I was a kid and had tons of Hot Wheels to fill up the set.

    BTW, there's been talk of putting a public rail system here in Louisville. Not sure if it's going to happen though. Could you imagine the fuel that could be saved by doing that?

    As, always, you bring up some good points and I have to remember that republicrat term, I like it and it sums them up nicely
