Friday, September 07, 2007

The Writings on the Stall

As stated in the post below, I found this site while ‘researching’ the post below.

There are some truly great quotes in there.

Like the bag in tree site MC discovered, many people have posted the actual locations you can read these walls of wisdoms.

One of the best,

((In the handicap stall, the right-hand corner by the door,

Suck my balls

And underneath it, in different handwriting,

If you have balls then why are you in the girl's bathroom?

I guess the person who wrote the reply hadn't been in Coop long enough to hear tales of "The Boom-Boom Room."))

This one I really like

((I see you taking that shit!
Now put it back.))

((Make me a Taco Bitch!

Below writing in a different pen:

Okay, you're a Taco Bitch. Happy?))

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