Monday, September 03, 2007

Two Satisfaction Videos

The Tale of Two Satisfaction Videos

Benny Benassi, a DJ from Italy, created a techno dance number named Satisfaction. This single boosted Benny’s profile as a DJ. Yet, a music video was probably the best way to make impact, so he created one for the song

The original video

Comment: What’s cool about this video is that it is a simple video, but fascinating. There are four people standing in front of a plain backdrop. They begin to slowly move in front of the camera. You have to look very closely but their facial expressions change as well. I really like this version a lot. Plain and simple.

However, this didn’t get the attention Benassi wanted, so he came up with a different concept. If you can’t sell them with this, use sex.

The Sexed Up Version

Comment: I posted this version before. There are a lot of oily sweaty women using power tools. They bounce and look into the camera. Of course, this version boosted the popularity of the song, because you can never go wrong with hot women in your video, unless it is a religious video.

Two completely different videos with the same song.

Added bonus

Wendy’s marketing and advertising decided to use this song for their hamburgers. (Kind of like the ‘I’d Hit It For a Dollar ads)

This song doesn’t make me want to eat hamburgers, sorry but Dave Thomas is turning in his grave right now.

Not the same...

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