Friday, September 28, 2007

Things that are currently pissing me off

Please, can you have an louder ring tone and talk even louder than that?

Things that are currently pissing me off…

1. Cell Phone Talkers: People who can’t seem to keep their voices down while in a theater or Library while talking on their phones. Thank you, for letting me hear your conversation, because I loved being forced to listen to your voice and what’s happening in your life.

2. Slow ass drivers: I hate getting behind these guys when I am in a rush. It’s okay to drive in the fast lane going 55 mph, because no one else has somewhere to be fast.

3. People talking about the same place I’m working at: The last thing I like talking about is work, but that doesn’t stop other people from talking about it themselves, when we work at the same place. If your job is shitty, why continue to talk about it after you’ve spent time there?

4. Lottery Ticket buyers: For all the people that need to have their ‘losing numbers’ when there is a long line behind you, thank you for making my day frustrating. While you’re at it, pick up a box of cigarettes too, it just makes it even longer.

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