Friday, September 21, 2007

Star Simpson: The OTHER Simpson in the news...

Star Simpson: One crazy woman.

What in the hell is wrong with her? Is it the Simpson gene?

((BOSTON Troopers arrested an MIT student at gunpoint Friday after she walked into Logan International Airport wearing a computer circuit board and wiring on her sweatshirt. Authorities call it a fake bomb; she called it art. ))

I'm generally a free spirit and art focused guy, but this goes way too far. What did she think would happen when she walked around a airport with that piece of 'art'? In this sense, the cops did the right thing.

((Star Simpson, 19, of Lahaina, Hawaii, had a white computer circuit board and wiring over a black hooded sweat shirt she was wearing, said State Police Maj. Scott Pare, the commanding officer at the airport.))

This goes a bit far. It insults every person that's lost their lives to an electronic explosion. These things are more dangerous than anything else, because not only do they harm and kill people, but they create fear. How is scaring people in this manner considered art?

Should she go to jail? Probably not, but she should spend a week cleaning shit. Community service, cleaning airport bathrooms and watching out for horny Senators should do the trick.

((Simpson is a Massachusetts Institute of Technology sophomore and has expertise in electronics and even received a Congressional citation for her work in robotics, according to her lawyer.))

One day, she will create a master computer that will rule powerful robots that will take over the world. Her response, “It was only art.”

BTW, is she related to OJ?


  1. She looks like she would be a character in a snowboarding/ATV/Skateboarding game.

  2. you know, she does have that extreme sports look about her. I could see her in the SSX game; names Stormy or something
