Saturday, September 22, 2007

More Random Bits

Please, Hammer, don’t hurt them. I mean it.

More Random Bits (Ninja Rap remix, yo)

A Fox News Blooper: Sounds like someone wanted J-Lo to do something for him. That's a revealing slip.

~Queen Padmé Amidala shows a little more skin than usual. So, that's how she got elected as Queen.

~It really annoys me when the same person in class has their cell phone go off every day at the same time.

~Someone needs to create real Pod Racing place like we saw in Episode 1.

~Okay, I just can't get enough of this UF Student MC Hammer remix song. Btw, John Kerry is a useless piece of crap. He just stands there and let's this happen. It's no wonder he lost to the worst President to ever take office. I could actually hear this at a dance club.

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