Wednesday, September 19, 2007

The Little Lad (that's 27 years old)

The Little Lad (That Dandy Dude Dressed in a Dutch Boy outfit)

Check out both videos here.

When I first encountered this ad, I was like 'what in the hell'. Then, I sort of dug it. It was so off, that I thought it was funny. The second video in the link above teaches you how do his 'berries and cream' dance. He reminds me of a refined Pee-Wee Herman. Now, I would love to see more videos with this creepy little man-child. However, if they create a TV show around his character, I'm going to get mad. (Like the Caveman show).

But wait there's more: He has a myspace!

And here's a remix to his video.

By the way, I'm practicing his Berries and Cream dance right now.

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