Saturday, September 01, 2007

Larry the Cable Guy: Health Inspector

Larry the Cable Guy: Health Inspector

Uh, wouldn’t it be Larry the Health Inspector? I don’t know what compelled me to watch this movie. I really don’t know at all. I hate Larry and his cable, so I had no reason to watch it. Like OJ cutting necks, I felt like it was my duty to review this piece of shit.

And this movie is at the bottom of the bowl too. There is nothing remotely funny or fun about this movie. It’s like they threw six concepts into the blender and turned it on, hoping it would make sense. It doesn’t. There are at least 100 fart jokes, men farting, and women farting. Trust me, I like a good fart joke as much as the next guy, but nearly every scene just doesn’t make it funny anymore. (Note: Now having a hot lady farting on you is funny, and this happened to me about six years ago. That’s comedy gold. Don’t ask why she farted on me.)

The scenes don’t make any sense together and are only there for Larry’s routine.

The only joke I was partly amused with was the running gag that he’s confuses his new female partner for a man, a girly man. And that’s it, there’s nothing else worth mentioning.

I couldn’t finish this movie, and I turned off the TV. Don’t waste your time on this mess. Larry the Cable Guy is the reason for the decline in modern civilization. So, don’t Git-R-Done.

Grade: F+

(Why have Kid Rock in this movie? Didn’t he stink enough in Biker Boyz?)

Biff Tannen fell on hard times after the 80’s and became a member of middle management for the Health Department.


Thomas F. Wilson fell on hard times and agreed to show up in this dumb movie to pay the bills.
Welcome to the Good Burger, home of the Good Burger. May I take your order?

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