Thursday, September 13, 2007

Kanye West defends Britney Spears

I made a personal promise to never speak of the whole Britney Spears/MTV disaster, because everyone else has, but what the hell. I can’t believe this, but I am siding with Kanye West on his statement about blaming MTV for throwing Mrs. Spears out there and making a fool of herself.

((Kanye West blames MTV for Britney Spears' less than stellar performance at the Video Music Awards. "Man, they were just trying to get ratings, and they knew she wasn't ready and they exploited her,"))

She has a child like mind. This is because she’s been conditioned to be a product and nothing more her whole life. She doesn’t have the character or the soul to be a real singer. Now that her life is falling apart, she doesn’t have the background that most of us have to make the correct decisions in our lives. I’m sure this is also the case with her parenting too.

You know you’re a bad mother when K-Fed is the better parent.

MTV was in a win-win situation. If she was good, MTV would have been seen as the network that brought her career back from the dead. If she sucked, they were the ones that broadcast the mess.

(("They exploited her, they played me and I really don't mess with MTV," he said.))

I don’t mess with MTV either, Kanye. They’ve been sucking for years. Do I really need to see teenage girls in some stupid flux reality shows on a Music Television channel? Remember, you guys were music once, not the Slutty Teenage channel.

Bring the music back!

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