Sunday, September 30, 2007

Jackie Chan doesn't care for Rush Hour

Jackie Chan hated doing the Rush Hour movies: He said he didn't get the 'American humor', but he still took the job anyway.

Uh, Rush Hour 1 made $103,200,000 in the foreign box office. I guess it wasn’t that American enough. Rush Hour 2 made $121,161,516 in foreign sells, despite the fact that more critics felt it was a weaker film. The latest one is hovering around $74,081,429 in sells in the foreign market.

((The actor said he made the sequel because he was offered an "irresistible" amount of money to do it and made the recently released third installment to satisfy fans of the series.))

I’m calling BS on his stance on Rush Hour 3. Remember when Chris Tucker refused to come back to do Rush Hour 3? Guess who made a public statement about Chris Tucker being a baby about the whole situation? Jackie Chan.

Listen, I liked the first Rush Hour, and I like Jackie Chan a lot, but he can’t try to pull a flip-flop after the bashing he has received for Rush Hour 3. You jumped right in and made part 3.

Jackie: You know I can't believe you got paid 20 million for this movie.

Chris: You did Around the World in 80 Days, so don't take that tone with me.

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