Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Federline sidelined

There are some people’s misfortunes I really enjoy hearing about, and K-Fed’s misfortunes are always funny. After making one of the worst rap albums ever, you would think he’d disappear from the media’s eyes, but nope. He keeps getting work. Remember that shitty CSI role he had?

I just love this new bit of information about him getting canned from a movie and not even knowing it either.

((However, reports allege Federline was fired from the forthcoming film, but was not informed.

A source tells the New York Daily News, "He had a very small role - he was in a montage.

"He was fired from the film, but his manager didn't tell him. Kevin found out when he turned up for a wardrobe call."

Federline's manager declined to comment on the reports, however a representative for Fox Searchlight denied he was ever cast in the movie.))

It has to suck to show up and have someone say, “Sorry, you’re not on the call sheet. I’m going to have to ask you to leave.”

“I’m K-Fed, foo. Ya better recognize, yo. Ya hear me dogg?”

Added Bonus!

Want more K-Fed? Now, he’s trying to make his popstar ex-wife pay for his legal fees. Huh?

When are people going to completely shut him out of Hollywood or the world as a whole?

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