Sunday, August 19, 2007

The Weekend

The Best Copy Machine Ad EVER

Well, it's not really a copy machine ad, but it would certainly sell some machines if they showed this video. This is actually a music video by a DJ named Michael Gray.

Here's what we've learned

  1. This copy machine has magical powers to make ladies horny and take off their clothes.

  2. Women really want to hump a copy machine.

  3. She really can't wait for the weekend.

I really dig the first girl in the video. There's something about her that I really like. I've seen her before, yet I can't put my finger on it. Anyway, thanks to the Internet, I discovered her name, Sarah Merry and she has an agent site. (BTW, she's a size six shoe).


  1. holy shit, that was hot! I will never look at a straw the same again.

    Thanks, this is now my fave video!
