The Trouble with Tribbles
Most Star Trek fans tend to agree that the original series' second season was probably its best. I have to agree with them. This was the period when the writers finally got the ball rolling and created some compelling stories in the process. One of the most memorable stories from the second was the episode Trouble with Tribbles. Tribbles was a comedic episode with some incredible writing.
While there was a serious sub-plot in the mix, the story itself was purely for laughs. Not only does the episode have sight gags, but there are some clever exchanges from the different crew members. Some of the best lines are between Spock and Kirk. This lighthearted romp was needed for a generally serious season. Plus, it looks like the entire crew was having fun with this one...even Shatner.
There were so many good moments in this episode that I can't even mention all of them in this review. One of my favorites moments though was the insults the Klingon officer made toward the Enterprise, and Scotty punching the crap out of the officer.
Looking back at TV from the past, it seemed like people attempted to take chances with comedic episodes once in a while, making characters look a little more foolish than usually. You would never see dramas do this sort of thing today.
Grade A-
Great Quotes
Nilz Barris: Captain Kirk, I consider your security measures a disgrace. In my opinion, you have taken this important project far too lightly.
Kirk: On the contrary, sir, I think of this project as very important. It is you I take lightly.
McCoy: It's a human trait to love little animals, especially if they're attractive in some way.
Spock: Doctor, I am well aware of human traits, I am frequently inundated by them, but I've trained myself to put up with just about anything.
McCoy: Spock, I don't know much about these things, but I do know one thing. I like them...better than I like you!
Spock: Doctor, they do indeed have one redeeming quality.
McCoy: What's that?
Spock: They do not talk too much.These guys are great, they should have done a Spin Off with them.
OMG an A-!!!!!
ReplyDelete*cheers for you*
lol, yeah those little tribbles got to me.