Monday, August 06, 2007

Sorry, the US may not see this film on the Big Screen, but the rest of the world...

Not Ambitious enough…

When she isn’t having things bounce up in her undercarriage, Jessica Simpson is making films. However, she’s just not that good at acting, but no one seems care, except for now. The MovieBlog is reporting that her new movie will probably end up straight to video.

Naming your movie Blonde Ambition is already a bad move, but reports are that the movie is really bad and lower than a J-Lo movie. (Say what you want, J-lo’s movies make tons of coins.) Wasn’t Blonde Ambition a Madonna tour?

Now, I could also go off on a rant about Jessica’s sister and her fake self and her facelift, but I won’t. I’m holding back.

Don’t you really want to see this movie on HD or Blue Ray? Come on!

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