Saturday, August 18, 2007

Smile: The Smaller picture

ID Picture

I went to the bank Friday, and I walked up to the front desk and a very attractive Bank Teller greeted me with a warm smile and voice. She had to be high, because when most people see me they generally frown and think ‘Not this asshole again.’ Anyway, she asked for my Driver’s License.

She looked at my license and remarked, “You don’t look too happy in the picture.”

I raised an eyebrow and said, “I always look that away.”

“You should smile more,” she said, looking up at me with her baby-blue eyes.

I would, if I was dating you, I thought. “I’m smiling on the inside. I’m just one happy guy,” I lied.

“That’s good to hear,” she added with a chuckle.

This got me thinking about it. Why would I smile in my driver’s license picture? The only time people use the ID is when you get pulled over (Which happened recently, damn you U of L police), and when they need to confirm your ID. In what cases do I need to smile in that picture? If I’m smiling in my picture, does that mean people will treat me differently? Nope, I’m still that asshole that pisses people off.

Do people smile in Mug Shots? Okay, don’t answer that question.

Btw, next time one of these happy people makes it point to mention I never smile and I should, I’m doing that famous Johnny Cage move with that punch.

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