Monday, August 13, 2007

Rove out!

One ugly bastard

I generally hate talking about politics, because this is not a political blog, but…

Goodbye, Karl Rove!

The Evil telepathic bastard that goes by the name Karl Rove is leaving the White House, and not a moment too soon either. Rove was one of these assholes that used fear to win an election. Instead of talking about the problems overseas or other stateside issues, he forced the focus on gays and gay marriage. Note: We have more pressing issues than worrying about a dude marrying a dude people.

I guess he’s jumping this sinking ship before he drowns. However, with a head that huge, I’m certain he’d float to the top.

Man, this guy has a huge dome. I wonder if Rosie and Rove aren’t the same person.

((Karl Rove, the most influential White House aide in recent history, has resigned as chief adviser to President George W Bush amid vilification from Democrats and defiant tributes from an increasingly embattled administration.))

So long and thanks for all the fish!

What ever you do, don’t head-butt him, because you’ll lose.
Here’s Rove hanging out with his family.


  1. just think though, in 10 years, this administration will probably be completely forgotten, lesson learned...hating gays doesn't qualify for being in the white house.


  2. I agree, with that in ten years will just shake our heads and think "what were we thinking.

    I think the gay bashing is more of a strategy than anything else. It's a way to get the ranks to get out and vote when otherwise they won't. The spin machine makes it a point to never mention Mr. Chaney's gay daughter.
