Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Random Thoughts

Random Thoughts

~Well, summer classes are almost over. I'm so happy I'm nearly done with this class, because I can't stand most of the people in it. You see it's filled with student athletes, mostly football players and a few cheerleaders, so it's like being crammed in a room with a bunch of cool but stupid people. Most of them like to talk, but have nothing interesting or intelligent to say.

~How you ever hated someone so much that you couldn't stand to look at them?

~WTF is this Lord of Rings remixed shit?

~However, this might be even worst...

~I’ve been watching how many yellow lights I blow past of late. Hmm, I wonder why?

~This international Ford ad would never fly (pun) here in the states, unless we actually saw the bird get up.

~"Damages" is turning out to be an interesting show, and pretty much the only thing I've been watching this summer.

~They say women can't drive...into gas pumps. This is nuts. Note: Check out the mail man on the right.

~Freakazoid was such a funny show back in the day. I loved the character named Fanboy.

~Remember Loaded Weapon 1? I still get a kick from Bruce Willis making a cameo.

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