Friday, August 24, 2007

Random Bits

Random Bits

~I was never a huge Mario Brothers fan or a Nintendo for that matter, but I loved Super Mario Brothers III and Super Mario World, but I still get pissed about how much Nintendo pimped out their biggest franchise. ScrewAttack has the top ten worst Mario Brothers games out there. Some of them I didn't know about.

~Going on the same bad videogame tip, The Angry Videogame nerd has a new video up and I have to say this video is messed up. He talks about pornographic videogames. I can't believe someone came up with these games, then I realized Dead or Alive games are pretty much the same thing...

~Hmm, I like this trailer for the Jesse James movie. Anything has to be better than American Outlaw, which was also a Jesse James movie.

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