Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Random Bits

Random Bits

~I've been deep into school, and dealing with bad tires to look up and notice some new released photos of The Dark Knight. The Samurai Frog has some photos posted over at his blog, so check them out.

~Here's a 'making of' for the music for the new Medal of Honor videogame. The interview from Giacchino is very nice too. I've noticed that he's reprising some of his older themes in this new game.

BTW, here is a theme from an older game.

Allied Assault

~I really need to get around to reviewing Star Trek: TNG Best of Both Worlds.

~Barnes & Noble isn't selling the new OJ book. But, it's okay to sell other books with similar subject matters? I don't like that OJ has a book out, but give people a chance to make up their own minds if they want the book or not. Barnes and Noble, you shouldn't make the decision for them. Besides, the families of the victims are making the money off the book, not OJ.

This just smells of a PR move.

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