Wednesday, August 01, 2007


I was behind a stupid U of L van which was stopped at the green light, and it would not move, so I could get through the intersection. I went around him, but right as I did, the traffic light turned yellow to red. I thought nothing of it.

I came to a rail road crossing, and the signals came on and a CSX train started to go through the crossing. As I waited, I noticed a University Police squad car behind me with his lights flashing. Yes, they pulled me over at a rail road crossing. (Remember the U of L police are real police officers) A stern looking cop came up beside me and I instantly gave him my License and other documents.

The Officer looked into my car and asked, “What good reason did you have to run a red light?”

It was freaking yellow, Pig. I shrugged, attempting not to be smart to this guy. “Late for class…” (Don’t you just hate when they ask you questions that mean nothing. Just give me the damn ticket. I don’t need life lessons from you.)

He gave me the ticket and said, “Please make sure not run red lights again. We’ve had a lot of accidents in this intersection.”

Thank you, for giving me this useless information and the ticket. I am thankful you were here to protect me from myself. (Enter Sarcasms mode). Yep, I run red lights for fun officer, thank you.

The actual infraction was only 20$, but I have to pay court cost of 129 dollars. Lucky me…

I generally hate cops, except for those Homicide cops I talked to last year about my blog, and that murder investigation. They seemed sort of concerned for my safety.

If you want to have a look at the person that ‘caught’ me, go here…

It was either Hutchison or Willoughby, hell it might have been Hall (the director of the force). I’m not sure, because they all look alike to me.

Listen, I’m all for the School police, but I just hate them right now at this moment. (Note: If I join the school news paper, I’ll probably be dealing with this officer, doh.)

What was that NWA song again?

Getting pulled over at a rail road crossing: B+

Getting asked stupid questions: F+

Paying court cost: F-

Just call me James Lohan.


  1. OMG that sucks.. funny but sucks.
    I looked at the pictures and in the section right about willoghby and hutchison the Older Caucasion cops all do kinda look alike!
    With Mustaches even!
    that was funny.

  2. It really does suck, i hate it when things are always black and white to people, there are grey bits you know...

  3. Mayren: I think it might be Willoghby, but I've met him before, he's generally a nice guy. Most of the UofL cops are good ppl. I'm just having a really bad week.

    It must be required to have a mustache to be a seasoned cop.

    Blayde: Yep, there are always different sides to the story. I should have told him what happened, but I was too pissed to talk.

    He may have just given me a warning then.
