Friday, August 10, 2007



Okay, I’d be the first to admit that I had no desire to see this musical. People told me that I wouldn’t like it, and it wasn’t my type of movie. Well, I rented it anyway and watched it. And I enjoyed it a great deal.

It’s based on the Broadway musical of the same name. The other thing worth noting is that the main storyline is based on Motown and the Supremes. Trust me; it is very close to what actually happened during Motown’s golden age. Mary Wilson confirms that many of the events in the film did in fact happen.

The performances all round are truly top notch and enjoyable to watch both in singing and acting. Believe the hype; Eddie Murphy is simply amazing as James Thunder Early, a slight riff on James Brown. (Though Murphy’s character mentions James Brown, saying he stole his moves). Danny Glover is always reliable as James’ manager. Jennifer Hudson is lovely and steals the show anytime she’s on screen. She has a wonderfully strong voice, something that is missing from modern music today. (F’ you, Mrs. Spears)

The other actor worth mentioning is Jamie Fox. Fox once again brings his A-game and is a sight to see. He plays a very Barry Gordy like character. He generally starts out with good intentions, but gets twisted by greed. Like many major labels, this record company started out with dirty money, because no one else would give them the cash.

The musical numbers are very complex and long. I enjoyed how the characters would start a number and the scene would morph into an actual concert song with different performers singing it. The music is just great and fun. It needs to be heard and watched.

Steppin' To The Bad Side is one of the best songs in the film, I think.

Grade B+

Back when music was good and meant something to the artists. Now, we have manufactured vanilla, marketable stars that mean nothing in the long run. Will anyone care about The Spice Girls or Spears in 20 years?


Destiny’s Teenage: They already gone through 5 members already…


  1. Cool review. Its go so much attention I had not interest at all. IM sure i will watch it at some point!

  2. Thanks, I didnt think I'd like it, but I ended up liking them
