Thursday, August 16, 2007


Brannon Braga thinks about his past

Looks like former Enterprise showrunner reflects on the stuff that happened during his time on the show. The Trek Movie site also had the fortune of having Brannon Braga actually showing up and leaving comments on the post. Generally, Braga stayed away from most interaction with fans because of the anger many of them had toward him. I thought it was interesting that his friend Ron Moore, on the other hand, had a completely open relationship with the Internet fans.

The biggest thing I agree with Braga about was the relationship with UPN. By having the show on a tiny shitty network, I think it harmed the show creatively. Plus, the reason the TNG and DS9 worked was because they had limited interference.

((I think it damaged the show. If you don’t mind booting Brent Spiner later on I could stay up here all day and talk about this one subject. I think it hurt Voyager and much more with Enterprise, to be on a constantly shifting fledgling network that in some parts it was on channel 92 if you could find it and you needed the foil rabbit ears. Here we were shooting this beautiful show and posting it in high def and people were watching it on the crappiest stations imaginable. Tons of problems being on that network. Also we didn’t have a lot of money to promote. So I don’ think it was a great thing for the franchise. I cant blame it all on that. There were other problems of course, but it was truly frustrating.))

Yet, he doesn’t talk about the fact that he needed to step away before the project even got off the ground. He did just as much damage as the Network, for being a ‘yes’ man.

Here’s what he had to say about the post.

((Brannon Braga here. I have to say, I am both heartened and horrified at the responses to the transcript of my appearence in Vegas. But in the end, there is truth in all of your comments. I accept the compliments and the condemnations. I wish my 15 years on Trek had all been smooth-sailing. I wish every day and every episode had gone without a hitch. There are arrogant comments I wish I hadn’t made in interviews, and in pitch meetings (as one email points out, and dude, I am sorry for that). I don’t think I ever really grasped how much I would be scrunitized in my position. I learned the hard way. Still am. Anyway, just here to say I appreciate the comments, even the negative ones: they are all useful and informative. Special thanks to Mr. Pascale, who seems like one cool guy.))

I still hate this guy as a person and a producer, but he gets a few good points for coming online and talking to his haters. Then again, he’s hasn’t done much since Threshold got canceled. Check out his comments from 60 on.

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