Friday, August 10, 2007

Action rules

This site has a list of the worst action movie clichés in movies.

Yeah, we all know them and it is pretty much required to have them in your script.

Here are my favorite ones from that list.

2. The Female Hostage: Yep, this one is used all the time in these movies.

5. The Ticking Time Bomb: You have to have a ticking time bomb! Or it will blow up. 24 seems to do this a lot too.

7. The Expository Speech: It only works if he has a German or British accent.

9. Never Trust The Man: Word up, G. I don’t trust Da Man either. You know what, screw the man!

16. I Think I Love My Ex-Wife: Not that I’m a divorce expert, but every Bruce Willis movie seems to have this angle and in real life this doesn’t happen. Want realistic, he should never talk to his wife again.

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