Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Top Ten things I enjoyed about Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace . Part 2

6. The Final Battle: Take out all the Jar-Jar crap, and you got a pretty good final battle. Even today, the lightsaber battle is pretty well edited and directed. The Space Battle is brief, but still enjoyable.

7. Pod Racing: Okay, it serves nearly no purpose in the main plot, but it was a good dose of FX eye candy. When Lucas is doing this kind of stuff, he’s at his best, but everything else is just bland.

8. Jar-Jar getting shocked: Too bad he didn’t die from his shock and we wouldn’t have to endure him throughout the rest of the movie.

9. Boss Nass: I love the name and he’s looks like the type of guy you’d have a beer with after work. Plus, he hated Jar-Jar. You can’t go wrong with that.

10. Yoda: Sure he looked a little strange, but it was good to see the little green guy after all these years. He was always a good character.

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