Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Random Thoughts: The Next Generation

Random Thoughts: The Next Generation

~It seems like everyone is in on the hooking up conspiracy. Everywhere I go, I see couples making out or holding hands. Hey, thanks for showing off your love to a lonely single guy. You want bad, I had someone asked me this, “You're eating alone, and a nice guy like you doesn't have a lady?”

Yeah, that makes me feel so much better.

~A friend of mine Joe has posted a few comments here on the blog, and I have to admit that I've started to movie toward his Anti-establishment stance myself.

~Because I am still a little kid at heart, I now want to make my own pinwheel. Remember when this was the only thing you needed to keep you entertained.

~Even though my blog is officially banned from China, I have to say that they have some balls there. They freaking executed their former Supervisor of Food and Drug Safety. I know this is mean, but you have to wonder if Zheng Xiaoyu ate a tainted last supper. Does this execution have more to do with keeping North American and European trade partners happy? (Asking questions like this is the reason I'm banned in China).

~I like you, Sen. John McCain, but it might be time for you to drop out of the race.

~Nick Lachey maybe dumber than a box of rocks, but he appears have to Jedi powers. He uses them to knock the feed off a local FOX News channel. To bad he can't knock out all FOX News channels.

Here's an question; what had Lachey even done recently to even have people interview him?

~How do you improve bad techno music songs, by adding closeups of very hot women shaking their rears or bouncing around.

Girls in a marching band: This song is really bad, but the girls are hot. Did notice any flute players.

Satisfaction with power tools: Have a bad song? Just add sweaty woman holding power tools and bouncing.

~It would appear I’ve been going about this dating thing all wrong. This blog seems to have some sound advice. Printing web page

~Here is more of that Michael Moore vs. Wolf Blitzer interview. Man, we need to do something about this Medical system.