Saturday, July 14, 2007

Mr. Rogers was Evil? That crazy FOX News

FOX News attacks Mr. Rogers?

Mr. Rogers is under attack from FOX News and this is bullshit.

Wow, just wow. Yeah, I'll admit that I used to watch Mr. Rogers when I was young. But, now he's getting blamed for the way kids of yesterday are turning up today. How do these FOX News people even keep a straight face when they make a lame connection between his 'You're special just the way you are' and entitlement. Just watch the video.

This is beyond stupid. I can't believe FOX would even attack Mr. Rogers…a dead man.

1. Mr. Rogers taught an entire generation to be nice to each other. What is wrong with that?

2. His “you're special just the way you are” gave kids empowerment. It meant that each of us is different and unique and we shouldn't change the way we are. Be yourself. Now where does entitlement come into play?

3. He taught us to change our shoes when we got inside the house.

4. Those puppets are real.

5. That it is a beautiful day in the neighborhood.

F’ you FOX News! You can go after Clinton all you want, but attacking my homeboy Mr. Rogers, thems fightin words.

Bush: “You look different in person.”

Mr. Rogers: “How so, Mr. President?”

Bush: “You look more like a big fluffy yellow bird on TV.”

Mr. Rogers: “That was a completely different show, sir.”

Bush: “You're not Big Bird?”

Mr. Rogers: “Never mind, sir..."


  1. I want to see that report they are talking about... to see if it really blames it all on Mr. Rogers or if the personalities discussing it there are taking a snippit and blowing it out of proportion.

    Of course, the fact that a) Mr. Rogers was one of the people who helped PBS get federal funding in the 1960-70's and b) that despite being a minister, he was all about tolerance for all faiths and sexual preferences.

    He is one person I genuinely can't say a single bad thing about. He was a wonderful human being all around.

  2. what is up with people attacking individuality?! i don't have time to see the report right now, but i'll check it out soon. it's seems anymore either far left or far right people hate individuality or those who preach individuality. if fox wants to attack people, there are plenty of good for nothing people that are living, not someone who lived his life with a good heart for everyone who is now deceased. maybe they are going through paris hilton withdrawal!


  3. MC: I need to find that report as well. I have to wonder if they're joking about it or not. But FOX News has done this sort of thing in the past.

    I have to agree, I can't say a bad thing about the guy. He'd done so much for furthering education in schools and for PBS than anyone else. We need more programing like this for kids and less purple creatures dancing to songs.

    That is a great Link, I'll have to post it on the main page. I loved the stolen car thing.

    Paul: Agreed, I've been seeing more and more of these type of attacks on this idea of Individuality more and more from the media.

    If you get a chance, Paul, check out the link MC posted. The story about the car thieves actually was very touching.

    And his support of PBS and the VCR has pretty helped with creation of the devices and multi-media we have today.
