Thursday, July 19, 2007

Mallrats Strikes Backs, while Chasing Amy

The Samurai Frog has an interesting list going on over at his blog.

One movie that really stood out on the list was Kevin Smith’s movie Mallrats. Mallrats was Kevin’s second movie after the smaller film Clerks. Given that Clerks was such a hit done with a very small budget that the studios took notice and wanted to make Smith an offer he couldn’t refuse. With a bigger budget and more interference from a big studio, Smith made Mallrats. While not the ideal experience he wanted, I think he made a pretty good movie.

It wasn’t a hit that studio people had envisioned, but that doesn’t matter because it has been a bigger hit on DVD. However, I really liked the movie, probably more so than most Kevin Smith fans. I generally think the movie is raunchier than Clerks, and the movie is better than Chasing Amy, but I hated Chasing Amy. You throw in some nudity and a lot of cuss words and you have throwback movie to all those 80’s teen movies.

I found the characters to little more enjoyable to watch than Chasing Amy. This probably has something to with the fact that I grew up around these types of people. Hell, I still work with people like this.

Besides, I learned how to do the stink palm. What can be better than that?

Grade B


  1. Mallrats was awesome. Perhaps if you had seen it when it came out then you may have given it a higher grade? Unless you're saying you did see it when it came out?

  2. Yeah, I never got to see it during its original run in the theaters.

    I love this movie, but unlike many of Smith's later scripts, it lacks the moral or central message that he blends into the story. You generally get something more out of Smith's stories. Mallrats is a fun movie.

    That's probably the only reason I gave it a B instead of a B+ or A.
