Monday, July 16, 2007

Dance Power Rangers

Here’s a strange Power Rangers video with the crew of the first season dancing for no reason. Once you get through the Baywatch song, it’s pretty good.

Who knew Bulk and Skull could dance.


  1. I used to watch the original power rangers. Then The cute one got all Effed up and off the show. Bye Tommy. We miss you.

  2. lol, I think every young kid wanted to be Tommy (AKA the green ranger). Looks like the actor who played tommy has been back in the power rangers for a few eps in 2004, but he has a lead role in 'Fall Guy: The John Stewart Story'

    The pink ranger Amy Jo Johnson has had the best career out of the entire first season of the show. I still have a big crush on her.

    The yellow ranger passed away a few years ago.

  3. yeah, i was channel surfing and tommy resurfaced for one of the spin off shows. i have to sadly admit, i watched power rangers through zeo, and then i jumped ship. lol


  4. Yeah, I he came back for another series or two. He disappear between 2004 to 07. If I remember correctly, he even had Karate video tape teaching kids karate.

    Lol, dont worry I was still watching around the very lame Turbo years.
