Sunday, July 29, 2007

Cloverfield pictures Update (I found something)

Here’s another interesting thing about those Cloverfield pictures

Comment: Did you know that you can ‘flip’ the pictures over? Take your mouse hand and take the side and flip it with a quick loop or circle motion, and the pictures should ‘flip over’. So far, two of the pictures have notes on the back. Nothing too shocking, but we do get some names.




And someone named Jamie

As I said, two of the pictures have messages. While the messages are written by people with a letter starting with the name J, we don’t know if they’re the same people. The handwriting is different and the color of the pen is different.


  1. Must be a recent addition, i remember playing with those back when there were three only, wasnt there

  2. You're right, they just updated the site this weekend. And they updated the Slusho site with new pages and flash animation.

    This new update connects to some myspace pages, which just opened up...

    Things are getting more interesting.
