Sunday, July 08, 2007

Aiken diet

Clay Aiken receives a smack down by a woman. That's what Clay says.

Please tell me this is true.

((Apparently there was an allegation the woman gave the Gayken a "minor shove" during the argument.))

American Idol rejects on a plane? I can't express how much I hate this guy. I find his music to be horrible and his personally annoying. His fanbase, the Claymates, are more crazy than extreme Star Wars and Firefly fans on a bad day. They're really protective of him, and most of them are over forty. By the way, this little geek has trademarked the term 'Claymates'.

I'm this woman will be idenified and taken down by one of these nutty Claymates. Given that American Idol is a voting show, you have to wonder why the American public continues to vote for the worst people.

Let's look at a few of his 'best' moments (yeah right).

Everlasting Love: More like Everlasting piece of shit. Is this remotely even music? Why does he have such a strong fanbase, because it's not for his music?

The Way: The only way this song could be interesting is if Mr. T came out and punched Clay in the face.

Kelly Ripa is my hero: First of all, we don't know where his hand has been. Second, I'd have a problem with anyone putting their hands on my mouth, except for Megan Fox.


  1. Gosh that's the smuggest picture of Clay Aiken I've ever seen!

  2. And, with Clay that means a lot, because all his pictures are smug. I didnt know men could be Divas too.
