Thursday, June 21, 2007

Stan Lee action man

Stan Lee has his own action figure coming out…

Comment: At the age of 84, He might be the oldest action figure character out there.

(("We feel it's long overdue that Stan Lee be immortalized as an action figure, much like the dozens of marvelous characters that he has created for years and years," said Eric Nyman, Hasbro's vice president of marketing. "And it couldn't be more fitting than to create him as a `Marvel Legends' figure."))

I think it’s neat that he’s getting his own figure. I want to know who is next?

JMS: Creator of B5 and one of Marvel’s writers

Frank Miller: It could work

George Lucas: I’ll sit next to my Jar-Jar and Ewok action figures.

Semaj: I want an action figure of myself.

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