Sunday, June 17, 2007

More Myspace Fun

Giving the Myspace 'picture'

More Fun with Myspace

As you already know, I hate Myspace, yet I have an account there. I never use it except to look up friends I used to work with and I only have Tom as a ‘friend’. Considering there’s nothing on my page, you would think people wouldn’t be bothered with me. I was wrong…

Then I got this strange message in my inbox with a close up of some woman's ass. I guess she just wanted to be up front about the whole thing and give me the goods up front. Well, Ashley has a site, imagine that, that has various pictures of her taking pictures of herself. I'm not leaving a link to her site, but you can find it her blog entries .

Okay, so she's sort of cute, in a goth kind of way. I'm a brother and I'm down, but I'm amazed she was able to tell that I'm a great guy from seeing my Myspace profile, which has nothing on it.

The sad thing is I'm having better luck with 'fake' webcam girls than with the Real Life ladies.

So, thank you for spamming me, Ashley.

Note: With the Skull on her shirt, she doesn’t look like an Ashley.


  1. Dude, when on the prowl for real life ladies, do you take a wingman?

  2. Lol
    Sadly no, I go solo. The Wingman I have are either married, or so good looking that the will get all the attention.

    Now, I haven't tried the baby or puppy trick.

  3. I got something that would most likely work with a married wingman... it is a fun little variation on an old standard.

    You see my friend over there?
    [Point to your wingman, who's waving "shyly" from across the room.]
    He wants to know if YOU think I'M cute.

    It has worked dude, it has worked.
