Friday, June 22, 2007

Corridor of Time at look at a two Chrono Trigger songs

Chrono: “As long as my hair doesn't turn gold, we don't have to worry about those Dragon Ball Z guys.”

More Video Game Music coming your way...(Chrono Trigger 600 AD theme)

This time I thought I'd present some of Yasunori Mitsuda's best music from Chrono Trigger.

The one I want to you to listen to is a track called 600 A.D. (The Wind Theme). It's amazing how well written this theme was and it's nice to listen to. (Note: Each time period in the game has its own theme music.)

As it is played in the game: Certainly better instrumentation than FF7.

Sarah Plays a nice version on Piano: Okay, she's playing it a little too fast, but I like her arrangement of the theme.

This guy is pretty good: I still think it's a little too fast. He does a good job with the middle portion.

Here it is on the Guitar: I think it works here. I wonder if Mitsuda composed it on guitar

This one is pretty good: He Keeps the counter medley complex, which I like. He gives us a nice break in the middle too. I like this guy's take on theme. He's very good. Like the others he's a bit too fast, but still a good one.

This person has a nice slower pace: I like it, but some of the moving background notes are a bit much.

Uh, I'm not going to give this one away, just watch: I'll give him points for using that instrument.


Corridor of Time

Here's another great song from Chrono Trigger

Corridor of Time is probably my favorite song in the entire game. Basically, the theme is the theme for the Zeal Kingdom.

As it is played in the game: Some of the basic themes from this track will make their way into Chrono Trigger.

Pretty Nice: It is complex song, so I'll tip my hat to her for playing it.

Someone playing this theme in a Night Club: Not a bad arrangement, and I think piano player is best one out of the group.

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