Monday, June 04, 2007

50 Good Things About Return of the Jedi (11-20)

11. Yoda Dying: He was such a wonderfully realistic character in Empire. Frank Oz was able to actually get feelings out of the puppet. (Note: It’s sad when a puppet has a better performance than Jake Lloyd.) The entire Yoda sequence in Return was a nice treat and better written than some of the Ewok stuff. It’s a nice call back to Empire.

12. The CGI Monster Pit (Special Edition): Sorry, but there are some things better CGIed than done with puppets. The pit was one of them. The monster pit actually looks creepy in the SE. (Feed Me)

13. Chewbacca gets wounded (DVD Edition): Lucas said in his commentary that the battle on sail barge went through a lot of problems. And, the scene was edited in different ways. Well, Lucas added an insert shot of Chewbacca holding his leg after getting a hit from a laser blast. Before, we only heard Han mention that Chewie was hit. It was a nice little addition.

14. C-3PO falling in the sand: If only they could have left him buried in the sand for the rest of the movie, because he served no purpose.

15. Luke learns how to park his X-Wing: Remember when Luke decided to attempt to park his X-Wing on water in Empire? Well, he learns to park his ride on solid ground in Return. Smart move, Jedi.

16. Luke’s sly use of the Jedi Mind Trick near the beginning: I’m sure I’d have good intentions of using the trick for the betterment of humankind, but I’d end up using it on dates.

17. After the Sail Barge Explosion: There is a magnificent editing cut when the heroes use the hovercraft to fly past the screen after Jabba’s boat blows up. It instantly cuts to the X-Wing and the Millennium Falcon speeding in opposite directions in space. It is also a great edit because it cuts out an entire deleted scene where Luke and company get stuck in a sand storm and Han explains what he saw during his long frozen sleep.

18. The Rebel Fleet: I think the first time we saw the fleet in this film was amazing. We only got a glimpse of it during Empire.

19. The Arrival of the Emperor: I loved the shot with all the Tie-fighters and the grand music in the scene. We can truly believe that someone big is showing up. Great music here too.

20. Lando Calrissian’s co-pilot: This guy simply kicks ass. He knows he’s a sidekick, so he laughs at all of Lando’s jokes. Who is this dude? And, he needs his own show.

I hate this shot. I really hate this shot. Sorry, baby Ewok, you don’t make my list.


  1. your going straight to Tatooine Hell for not including the baby Ewok. You know that right?

  2. lol, yeah. There was something really creepy about that baby. Lucas loved that baby puppet so much that he showed him in two shots! What was he thinking

  3. i'm sure you may mention this between 21-50, but john william's score with yoda's death scene and his final conversation with luke worked perfectly. i think the entire degobah scene was the best out of the entire movie. and you're right about lando's co-pilot, how come the ewoks get their own fraking cartoon and movies and he doesn't! life is not fair.


  4. He should get his own catoon.

    I thought about putting that on list about Williams score, and I think I will now, now that you mention it. It's one of the best cues on Return.
