Sunday, May 20, 2007

William Shatner Woo

Shatner realizing that he pressed more than Ctrl/Alt/Delete.

William Shatner drives a race car and he yells out, “Whooo.”

What the hell is Shatner on? Perhaps if he used a little bit more Wooo energy in directing, he would have made a better Star Trek V. William Shatner is officially a redneck. The Shatner is one crazy man.

I really think he should have walked around the rest of the third season dressed in Native American gear. It would have certainly improved the mess that was the third season.


The Vulcan Death Grip: I think pretty much all his co-stars wanted to preform this move on him more than on a few occasions.


  1. Two words for you -

    Denny Crane

    live it - love it

  2. I heard his character on that show was great. I need to Youtube some clips and check it out.

  3. Speaking of Shatner dressed as an Indian... have you ever seen White Comanche? Shatner plays brothers a cowboy and an's a disturbing movie.

  4. I've never heard of it. Now, you've gotten me curious. I'll have to see if I can dig this up.

    Most of his stuff outside Trek was bad,

    Checking Youtube for a trailer...
