Wednesday, May 30, 2007

William Shatner Woo II: The Remix

Mr. Shatner Woos us again: The Remix

Someone in their right mind created a remixed the famous Woo scream that William Shatner did while driving a racing car. You know what, I actually like this remix too. I wonder if Picard would do this...Captain Kirk teaches us a new dance. The Enterprise Gangster Walk


First you contort your face like your taking a dump and then do very stiff gestures. Make everyone count
Move it to the left, move it to the right.
Hell, even Mr. Spock shows us how he rolls. Pointing in the direction where Pon Far happens


  1. Best photos ever! I am loving Kirk's facial expressions. Ok, I really have to study now. Be back tomorrow to read the rest of the pop culture excellentness.

  2. Thanks, the man had a way with those face contortions.

  3. I really loves the photos they are simply unbelieveable....
    Bobby @ web page design

  4. Yes great photos. No one could contort his face and body the way Shatner could.

  5. He's the man. Now if we can get Patrick to do this stuff too.
